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MagPro Series: Observations on Negotiations - Getting what you Deserve

  • November 15, 2016
  • 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
  • Dreambank (1 N. Pinckney St.)


Registration is closed

Magnet is excited to present MagPRO: Magnet’s Professional Development series, occurring the third Tuesday of each month at the Dream Bank. The goal of the series is to provide a variety of different speakers, workshops and 'takeaways' for Greater Madison young professionals and engage in skills-building and idea development.

This month, our speaker is Scott Dicks, founder and managing partner of the Selling Forensics Group. Scott is a veteran of hundreds of negotiations during his 43-year career. He will share his observations on the negotiation process including topics such as:

• Negotiation Concepts
• Acquiring and Losing Power
• Leveraging Negotiation Capital
• Ploys, Tactics and Counter Moves
• Demand and Concession Techniques
• Negotiation Planning

The discussion will be applicable to business transactions, as well as selling your ideas to others as you move through your career. Handouts will be provided.

We strive to be an inclusive organization and encourage our members to engage with, learn from, and develop an understanding of others. We prioritize the safety of our community and expect behavior that exhibits respect for all people and supports these values at all Magnet gatherings.

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