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Sweatwerking: SkyFit Class at SkyZone Madison

  • March 13, 2018
  • 7:45 PM


  • $10 + $2 sock rental
    Pay $5 to hold your spot, balance due on site
  • $12 + $2 Socks
    Pay $5 to hold your spot, balance due on site

Registration is closed

Private Magnet SkyFit Class

Burn up to 1,000 calories while having a blast. Feel that oh-so-rewarding burn in your legs, arms, and core over an hour of fitness disguised as fun. It’s one of the most dynamic, effective, and enjoyable workouts you'll ever have.

Magnet Member: $10 + $2 sock rental

Non-Member: $12 + sock

RSVP Now - Spots are limited

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