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MagPRO: Personal Branding Power Hour
October 18, 2016
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Dream Bank
Member – $10.00
This event is $10 for members.
Nonmember – $15.00
This workshop is for non members at $15.
Registration is closed
About MagPRO Series:
Magnet is excited to present MagPRO: Magnet’s Professional Development series, occurring the third
of each month at the Dream Bank. The goal of the series is to provide a variety of different speakers, workshops and 'takeaways' for Greater Madison young professionals and engage in skills-building and idea development.
Personal Branding Power Hour
Before Spencer X Smith begins working with clients, he hears two questions over and over:
1.) What kind of content should we be creating?
2.) What's the best way to share the content we create?
In this Personal Branding Power Hour presentation, Spencer will share exactly what he does for both himself and his clients, and you'll learn what activities will help you build your personal brand through content creation and social media amplification.
Spencer Smith Bio
Spencer Smith is the founder of Spencer X. Smith Consulting, and principal of the Cobalt Companies, a real estate investment firm he started in 2000. Spencer is also an instructor at the University of Wisconsin, where he teaches classes on Social Media Strategy and Digital Marketing Strategy.
He’s had the privilege of working with seven Fortune 500 companies – IBM, Kohl’s Corp, Kimberly-Clark, Oshkosh Truck, The Hartford, Nationwide, and American Family Insurance. Spencer has been featured and quoted in Forbes, The Huffington Post, Money Magazine, Entrepreneur, Inc. magazine, Yahoo Small Business Advisor, MSN Money, Costco Connection and dozens of other publications.
Spencer also writes the column #SocialBiz for InBusiness Magazine, and contributes to the Huffington Post.