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Apps & Taps Networking Event with REACH-A-Child
September 13, 2018
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Cambridge Winery Tasting Room, 1001 Whitney Way, Madison, WI
Complimentary Magnet Member
Volunteer Slot
Volunteer at the event and get all the perks of attending while giving back!
One volunteer needed for check-in at 5:45; two others needed for 50/50 raffle tickets. Volunteers will help clean up at 7:30.
Registration is closed
Magnet Members only get the chance to network at this event free of charge!
Join us for September's Apps & Taps event put on and benefitting REACH-A-Child. Apps & Taps is an informal way for individuals, business leaders, and the general public to learn about REACH-A-Child with the opportunity to network, have fun, and make a difference!
Ticket includes:
-complimentary appetizers
-complimentary drink
-chance to network with some of the most caring business leaders in the area
-learn more about REACH-A-Child and how to get involved