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Lunch with a Leader: Sarah Van Dyke
February 27, 2020
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
The Coopers Tavern, 20 W. Mifflin St. 53703
Magnet member
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Join Madison Magnet for our regular Lunch with a Leader series. We'll be getting to know Sarah Van Dyke, the founder of Revel. Sarah is a long-time Madisonian, UW alum, and brick & mortar business owner. After spending 11 formative years working in healthcare IT she did a career 180 and now enjoys helping others create and celebrate in Revel's inspiring downtown space. Since opening in 2016, Revel has been on the forefront of Madison's experiential business economy, proven the viability of a unique business model, and formed countless partnerships and collaborations with local and national brands. Revel is Sarah's second entrepreneurial adventure: her first business, Antics Flipbooks, was started in 2011 and sold in 2015. In her spare time Sarah sits on the board of the Black Earth Children's Museum and enjoys travel, baking, and spending time with her husband and 7-year old daughter.
Lunch will be provided and is catered by Coopers Tavern. If you have any dietary restrictions, please reach out to director@madisonmagnet.org